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Case Study

Helping Leading Operator to Re-Boot Process Safety Leadership

Our specialist process safety and discipline engineers have been supporting the team via a bespoke programme of training, assurance, and review underpinned by our trademark application of robust data science.

Three colleagues in a lively discussion in a modern office with a vibrant orange background. Two are listening while one gestures during his explanation.Three colleagues in a lively discussion in a modern office with a vibrant orange background. Two are listening while one gestures during his explanation.

The Goal:

Leading the charge in process safety.

To apply Empirisys data-driven insights and expertise to support Anasuria Operating Company (AOC) in establishing and maintaining a robust and consistent Process Safety Leadership (PSL) Framework across the entire organisation.

The Empirisys Solution:

Data-driven; people-led.

  • Gathered comprehensive data and evidence to reveal both the baseline and opportunities for improvement in PSL.
  • Developed and delivered bespoke training and development.
  • Engagement at every level, across the organisation, fostering an environmentally responsible, and more resilient risk management culture.

Key results

The project

Potentially saving lives; hopefully we'll never know.

Since assuming the role of Duty Holder for the Anasuria floating production, storage and offloading vessel (FPSO) in 2022, North Sea oil and gas operator, AOC, has embarked on a transformative journey to optimise Process Safety Leadership (PSL) operations and planning.

They recognise that building inherently safer processes and awareness through dedicated training are two of the most effective ways to reduce risk to personnel and the environment.

Through training and consultancy work, we have been empowering their team to heighten safety, drive efficiency and optimise safe energy operations.

The Challenge:

Establishing a baseline.

At over 25 years old, the Anasuria FPSO has enjoyed a successful tenure in the UK North Sea. Previously owned and operated by an energy major, ti was purchased in a joint venture between Ping Petroleum UK PLC and Anasuria Hibiscus UK Ltd in 2016. Operation of the asset was outsourced ot a third party until 2022, when AOC became the duty holder for the vessel.

Combined with the ongoing transformation from third party - duty holder amid moves to build a strong and diverse team, this legacy inevitably yields a varied landscape of operational experience and industry tenure. Our approach was informed by the need for us to engage with a range of disciplines including both technical and support functions, and levels of experience, across a breadth of levels of seniority.

The Process:

Control room to board room.

Empirisys designed two bespoke Process Safety Leadership Awareness Courses in 2023, delivered at the DNV's Spadeadam Research and Testing Facility, and attended by 50 AOC personnel, including the leadership team. Through a blend of classroom learning and bespoke demonstrations, the workshop established a common understanding and language for Process Safety Leadership at AOC.

Our skilled facilitators shared their extensive industry experience, with a control room ot board room perspective on Process Safety Leadership, delivering tools and insights to challenge and support the Process Safety Leadership journey at AOC.

The Result:

Leading by example.

The collaborative approach of these sessions fostered a thorough review of lessons learned from both AOC and industry incidents, facilitated discussions on opportunities for improvement and prompted reflections on potential outcomes of MAHs experienced elsewhere.

The Future:

Partnership and consolidation.

We continue to work closely with AOC on their Process Safety Leadership journey, which is setting an exemplary standard across the energy industry. A further 2 workshops are planned (including Executive Board Members), along with several PSL awareness for offshore sessions.

"I think that this could save lives- hopefully we'll never know"
Pipeline Technical Authority- John Pallot

"This has been one of the best sessions / have attended. Good mix of theory and practical examples."
CEO - Richard Beatie

"I can't emphasise enough how this course has changed my perspective on process safety."
Assistant Accountant- Alasdair Morrison
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